Saturday, March 5, 2011

Annotated Bibliography- Distracted Driving

I found my source by typing in "distracted driving" into Google. There was a ton of different sites but I figured that, the first one was the best choice because the site is by the government. This site helped me because it gave me many statistics about distracted driving as well as different types of possible solutions. It also helped me broaden my topic from just being cell phone use while driving, to eating and drinking while driving.


  1. It seems like you will be able to get good information about your topic. I think it will be interesting to research and learn about how eating and drinking while driving is distracting. I would try and find a statistic about how distracting eating and drinking while driving really is.

  2. I think that this topic is very interesting and applies to most people throughout the United States. I recently read an article on distracted driving and not only did they mention events such as eating, drinking, and texting while driving, but also applying make-up, changing clothes and shoes, fixing hair, changing the music, and accidentally dropping items as a few other instances when people drive distractedly. Just a thought incase you wanted to look even further into other possibilities!
